
目次 Table of Contents

Equine Comings and Goings
 Hungary and Equine Culture (1) Were the Hungarian a Horse-Riding People?
 小島 亮
 ウマ大国は“やっぱり”土佐だった3 自由民権“馬術家”板垣退助
 The Hippophile Kingdom KOCHI, Japan(3) Japanese Prodemocracy 
  メHorsemanモ Taisuke Itagaki
 長山 昌広
 Masahiro NAGAYAMA
 Criollos and Me~A Report on the Criollos at the Animal Resource Science Center, 
  The University of Tokyo~
 Maiko ENDO
 Friendship between Children and Ponies - A Bond to the Future
 斎藤 久絵
 Hisae SAITO
Special Article
 Test Production of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Needles Made with Cobalt
   (SPRON510) for Horses
 山手 寛嗣
 Hirotsugu YAMATE
 Introducing the Kansai University Equestrian Team
 上地 浩之
 Hiroyuki UEJI
 Outline of International Efforts Regarding Horse Welfare
 秋谷 光昭
 Mitsuaki AKITANI
 Introducing the Winner of the FY 2010 JRA Equine Culture Award : A Review of Chance
 三浦 暁子
 Akiko MIURA
Information of The 24th Japanese Society of Equine Science Annual Meeting 
Veterinarian Lifelong Training 2011 of The Japan Veterinarians Association for Local Government Racing
Journal of Equine Science Vol.22, No.3, September 2011 和文要約
                  Japanese Summary
Groups SponsorSupporting Member
Hippophile 投稿規程
  Submissiom Rules
Editor's Note
 東日本大震災後の最近の日本の快挙として「なでしこジャパン」が女子ワールドカップドイツ大会2011での優勝である。一方、科学分野では、科学と技術の世界を一変させるといわれる兵庫県にある日本の国家基幹技術の一つで巨額の開発費が投資されているX線自由電子レーザー施設サクラ(SPring-8-Angstrom Compact free electron Laser; SACLA)、極限の動きを捉える光である。この『サクラ』は、今までのスプリング8(小惑星探査機のはやぶさの持ち帰った微粒子、トヨタのハイブリット車などの解析に貢献)よりも更に光の強さ(ピーク輝度)で十億倍、波長(解像力)の短さ等が特徴で光学・電子顕微鏡で観察不可能なタンパク質の構造解析やDNAの原子までもが生きたまま瞬時に写真で観察することが出来る正に科学の世界に革命を起こすといわれる装置である。今までアメリカの独壇場であったレーザー発振波長の分野は日本人が前人未到のレベルにまで達して先行している。今後は日本人のノーベル賞受賞者が来春稼動後には目白押しになるかも知れない。
 馬事往来では、小島 亮氏の『ハンガリーと馬文化(1)ハンガリー人は騎馬民族だったか?』は、ハンガリー民族の歴史と馬文化との係わり合いを多くの馬の図を基に騎馬民族論を検証している。連載になる予定なので後編も楽しみです。長山昌広氏の『ウマ大国は“やっぱり”土佐だった3 自由民権“馬術家”板垣退助』は、本誌でも幾度か投稿頂いている高知の馬文化研究家が日本の50銭と百円紙幣の図案にもなっている板垣退助(1837〜1919)が描いた馬の絵を基に高知県からの馬事普及を紹介している。本誌ではこのような地方での馬文化の紹介を期待しています。遠藤麻衣子氏の『私とクリオージョ〜東大牧場のクリオージョについての報告〜』は、クリオージョが日本の乗馬に適している馬として東大では性格、成長、記憶力、歩様等の科学的根拠を今後更に追求し、この馬の研究・普及事業を推進しようとしています。是非協力をしてあげて欲しい。斉藤久絵氏の『子どもとポニー、未来への絆』は、都会の子供達と馬との温かいぬくもり・絆を感じさせる文面です。是非「ミニポ」の継続と活動を期待しています。
 三浦暁子氏の『2010年度JRA賞 馬事文化賞受賞作品紹介「チャンス」書評』は、NHKのサラブレッドの一生涯を取り上げたテレビドラマが馬文化発展への功績として評価され栄誉に輝いたものです。三浦氏はドラマの書評と共にそのあらすじと自らの馬好きをエッセイストの嗅覚で述べています。

(編集委員長 兼子樹廣)

An outstanding achievement for Japan these days in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake was the victory by Nadeshiko Japan at the Womens World Cup Germany 2011. Meanwhile, in the scientific field, there is the X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) facility, SACLA (SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser), located in Hyogo prefecture. The XFEL, a national critical technology in which Japan has invested massive amounts of development spending, is capable of observing even the tiniest particles of matter and is said to be something that will transform the world of science and technology. SACLA is distinguished by its short wavelength (resolving power) and even greater light power (peak brightness) at 1 billion times that of the conventional SPring-8 (which helped with the analysis of the microparticles that the asteroid probe Hayabusa brought home and the analysis for Toyotas hybrid vehicles, etc.). Able to perform a structural analysis of proteins that are unobservable with an optic or electron microscope, and to instantly capture even a living DNA atom in a photo, it is a device that is anticipated to revolutionize the world of science. In the field of laser emission wavelength, which was until now a monopoly of the United States, the Japanese have reached a level no one had ever reached before and are now in the lead. There may even be a rush of Japanese Nobel Prize winners after the device launches operations next spring.
 In Equine Comings & Goings, Dr. Rio KOJIMAs article, Hungary and Equine Culture (1), Were the Hungarians a Horse-Riding People? looks at the relationship between Hungarian peoples history and horse culture, examining the theory that they were a horse-riding people on the basis of a large number of horse illustrations. This is planned to run as a series, so were looking forward to later articles as well. Dr. Masahiro NAGAYAMA is a researcher of Kochis horse culture whose articles have appeared several times in this journal. In The Hippophile Kingdom KOCHI, Japan (3) Japanese Prodemocracy Horseman Taisuke ITAGAKI Dr. Nagayama introduces the diffusion of equine affairs from Kochi prefecture, based on paintings of horses done by Taisuke Itagaki (18371919), whose portrait also appears on Japans 50-sen and 100-yen banknotes. We at the journal look forward to more such introductions of horse culture in rural Japan. Dr. Maiko ENDOs Criollos and Me ~A Report on the Criollos at the Animal Resource Science Center, The University of Tokyo~ describes how, in the belief that the Criollo is well-suited as a riding horse in Japan, the University of Tokyo is working to continue pursuing further scientific evidence of the horses nature, its growth, its memory skills, and its gait, etc. and to promote projects for researching and diffusing this type of horse. We encourage you to offer your support. Ms. Hisae SAITOs Friendship between Children and Ponies--A Bond to the Future is a piece that makes readers feel the warmth and bonds between city children and horses. We have great expectations for the continuation and activities of Minipo.
 In a special article, Test Production of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Needles Made with Cobalt (SPRON510) for Horses, Dr. Hirotsugu YAMATE et al. present the results of tests to improve the needles used in acupuncture, a therapy long employed in the veterinary world. We look forward to further developments in the future. Mr. Hiroyuki UEJIs Introducing the Kansai University Equestrian Team looks at a university whose equestrian team (founded in 1924) has a history of producing Olympic athletes in Japans student equestrian circles. The university is making remarkable strides, such as recently enhancing its facilities even more and winning the group category in the All Japan University Equestrian Federation competition four times in a row. Mr. Aki AKITANIs Outline of International Efforts Regarding Horse Welfare is a presentation of The 5 Principles of Horse Welfare, which was drawn up when he attended the first Horse Welfare Committee meeting in 2011.
 Ms. Akiko MIURAs Introducing the Winner of the FY 2010 JRA Equine Culture Award: A Review of Chance’” describes how an NHK TV drama about the lifetime of a thoroughbred was praised and honored as an achievement contributing to the growth of horse culture. In addition to reviewing the drama, Ms. Miura tells its plot and her own love of horses with the keen insight of an essayist.

(Mikihiro Kaneko, Editor-in-Chief)