
第24回学術集会 シンポジウム「最近の馬生産事情を知ろう!」
座長 井上裕士 田谷一善
24rd Scientific Sessions Symposium Let's Learn the Recent Topics about Horse Breeding!
Chairman Yuji INOUE Kazuyoshi TAYA

 基調招待講演 Keynote Invited Lecture
 米国のウマ繁殖の現状と課題 Michelle M. LeBlanc 
 The Current State of the Breeding Industry in Florida and Kentucky  Michelle M. LeBlanc
 講演 Lecture
  Gaining Productivity of Racehorses by Dietary Management for Mares
  朝井 洋
  The History of Stallions in Thoroughbred Breeding
  The History and Production of Heavy Draft Horses
  Mitsuo ISHII
  Thoroughbred Breeding in Japan:Present Condition and Prospects
  Yasuo NAMBO
 総合討論 Discussions
特別記事 Special Article
  The Japanese Society of Equine Science The 4th Equine Veterinarians Working
  Group's Case Discussion Forum, Invited Lecture, and Workshop
 南保泰雄 井上裕士 佐々木直樹  Yasuo NAMBO Yuji INOUE Naoki SASAKI
お知らせ Information
Information of The 25th Japanese Society of Equine Science Annual Meeting
Journal of Equine Science Vol.22, No.2, June 2011 和文要約 
                  Japanese Summary
An Apology and Correction
Groups SponsorSupporting Member
Hippophile 投稿規程
  Submissiom Rules
Editor's Note
 先ずDr. Michelle M. LeBlanc の『米国のウマ繁殖の現状と課題』と題した基調招待講
 シンポジストとして朝井 洋氏の『栄養管理指導と生産性の向上を目指して』は,今まで
です。JBBA では創立以来51頭を供用しており,最近の内国産種雄馬の資質の向上と飼養管
敗戦後1945 年に始まり現在細々と行われています。最近は馬価格の低落,輸入肉用馬の増
Dr. Michelle M. LeBlanc の内容などを記しました。
(編集委員長 兼子樹廣) 

 One source of national unrest these days in Japan is the issue of nuclear power generation.
What is particularly noticeable is the lack of communication and trust relations between
business owners and politicians or government officials and scientists and researchers.
Those of us involved with horses should draw a lesson from that and be fully aware of it.
With that in mind, we have featured the symposium held last year entitled ”Let’s Learn the
Recent Topics about Horse Breeding!” The goal of the symposium was to look into past
Japanese horse breeding, compare it to the breeding situation in the US, and explore
the future direction of Japan’s recently chaotic breeding situation.
 We started with the keynote guest lecture given by Dr. Michelle M. LeBlanc and entitled
“The Current State of the Breeding Industry in Florida and Kentucky.” Apparently
thoroughbred production in the US is experiencing a contraction in size, with the
production industries in Florida and California suffering a particularly harsh blow.
LeBlanc lists some of the reasons for the contraction as (1) the long-term recession,
(2) a deteriorating image of horse-racing (drug use), (3)overproduction (prohibition
on slaughtering horses), (4)expensive stud fees, (5)a decline in the popularity of
horse-racing as a form of gambling, and (6) environmental factors in horse production
areas and obstacles to breeding and rearing (respiratory disease, diseases caused by
metabolic syndrome in horses, hoofbone fractures associated with soil properties,
diarrhea, miscarriages caused by caterpillars, drug resistance to anthelmintic drugs
(ivermectin)). However, due to factors such as disease and the contraction caused by
the recent downturn in the industry, the number of horses produced has decreased overall,
leading to a decrease in disease and a reduction in stud fees, which LeBlanc says
indicate a gradual and favorable turn toward sales of higher quality horses.
 In “Gaining Productivity of Racehorses by Dietary Management for Mares,
” Yo ASAI describes how dietary management, based until recently on experience and
intuition, is being changed through things like the use of the “body condition score,
” which came out in 1998, and the training of dieticians, thereby improving growth and
increasing productivity. “The History of Stallions in Thoroughbred Breeding” by
Shingo NAKANISHI provides an introduction to the work of the Japan Bloodhorse Breeders
Association (JBBA), which plays a key role in improving the stallion credentials of
Japanese thoroughbreds. JBBA has provided 51 horses since its founding, and it has
improved the credentials of recent domestically produced stallions and thoroughly
managed their feeding. Also, by employing shuttle stallions, it is dispelling Japan’s former
image as a “graveyard for thoroughbreds.” In “The History and Production of Heavy Draft
Horses,” Mitsuo ISHII explains the transformations in heavy draft horses, beginning
with the oldest ancestor, eohippus. He says the Japanese Kushiro breed was first produced
during wartime, as an improved breed developed in Japan. The only Ban-ei horseracing
in Japan began after the war defeat in 1945 and is currently carried out only on a very
limited scale. And in light of recent factors such as the decline in horse prices and the
increase in horses imported for meat, Ishii explores ways for heavy draft horses to survive
in the future. Yasuo NAMBO’s “Thoroughbred Breeding in Japan: Present Condition
and Prospects” reports on improvements in veterinary techniques and research aimed
at healthy, strong foal production, building on Investigative Research on Breeding Areas
and Diseases, etc. begun by predecessors in 1982. He says that investigative research is
currently being conducted on procreation, and that things like diet and foaling management
and fetal ultrasound diagnostic procedures are being developed as countermeasures for early
embryonic death, miscarriage, and difficult delivery. In turn, the results and findings
obtained from that research and development work are being utilized to strengthen
the production base. And a special article byNaoki SASAKI et al., “The Japanese Society
of Equine Science, The 4th Equine Veterinarians Working Group’s Case Discussion Forum,
Invited Lecture, and Workshop,” describes the content presented by Dr. Michelle M. LeBlanc
at the symposium held last year.

Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mikihiro KANEKO