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馬事往来 Equine Comings and Goings シガフーズ接着蹄鉄の乗用馬への試み Trying out Shigafoos Glue-on Shoe on Riding Horses in Japan 斎藤 重彰 Shigeaki SAITOH 馬事資料 Equine Resources 北海道馬産の秘密 一トロッターに関連して Secrets of Equine Production in Hokkaido – A Look at trotters 田島 芳郎 Yoshiro TAJIMA 北海道における軍需拡大と馬産計画 ー戦争と悲しき軍馬の慣用 Military Expansion and Equine Production Project in Hokkaido 永田 雄三 Yuzo NAGATA 特別記事 Special Article 四国 馬の旅 障がい者乗馬啓発の旅 Traveling Shikoku by Horse − A Journey for Enlightenment on Disabled Riding 吉岡 洋美 Hiromi YOSHIOKA 2011年度JRA賞馬事文化賞受賞作品 『消えた天才騎手 最年少ダーピージョッキー・前田長吉の奇跡』書評 Introducing the Winner of the FY2011 JRA Equine Culture Award 三浦 暁子 Akiko MIURA 海外学術集会参加報告 Overseas ScientificMeeting Participation Report 第15回 国際運動生化学会議に参加して 15th
International Biochemistry of Exercise Congress 北岡 祐 Yu KITAOKA 第25回日本ウマ科学会 学術集会のお知らせ Information of The 25th
Japanese Society of Equine Science Annual Meeting Journal of Equine Science Vol.23, No.3, September 2012 和文要約 Japanese Summary 協賛団体名・賛助会員名簿 Groups Sponsor・Supporting Member Hippophile 投稿規程 Submissiom Rules 編集後記 Editor's Note
2012年のロンドン五輪では,日本が選手支援に本腰を入れた最初 の年に24 競技中13 競技で38 個のメダルを獲得しました。昨年の スポーツ基本法制定とともに,民間の大企業が各種の支援を行った と聞いています。いっぽう,日本の馬術競技の成績は嘆かざるを得 ない現状のように思います。スポーツは国力の象徴といわれる時代 に,我が国の馬社会の中核的役割を担ってきたJRA には,これを契 機に和種馬や馬文化に関連する人たちの増加をめざして,幼年期の 子どもたちや馬に興味をもっている人々を含めた,さらなる裾野の 拡大と施設や資金援助対策を図る必要性を感じて欲しいものです。 今号の馬事往来は,齋藤重彰氏の「シガフーズ接着蹄鉄の乗用馬 への試み」を掲載。蹄壁の脆弱な蹄をはじめ,蹄葉炎や蹄骨骨折な どにシガフーズ接着蹄鉄を適用し,好結果をもたらしたというレポ ートです。乗用馬の蹄疾患で困っている方はぜひ参考にしてくださ い。 馬事資料のひとつめは,田島芳郎氏の「北海道馬産の秘密―トロ ッターに関連して」。各種資料から,北海道の在来馬に馬匹改良が 行われ,農用や馬車用の馬として昭和の中期頃まで各種産業を支え ていたことを説いています。西洋種による曳く力の強く鈍重なペル シュロンと,繊細なトロッターとの配合による種牡馬「農トロ」の 活躍が背景にあったことを,参考資料をもとに紹介しています。つ づいて永田雄三氏の「北海道における軍需拡大と馬産計画―戦争と 悲しき軍馬の徴用」は,明治時代からの日清戦争,日露戦争,太平 洋戦争における軍需増強の一端に,北海道の馬産計画,すなわち馬 匹改良が関与していたという論点を,資料をもとに紹介しています。 特別記事「四国 馬の旅 障がい者乗馬啓発の旅」は,NPO 法人 「青い風牧場 馬とふれあう会」のメンバーである吉岡洋美氏のレ ポート。メンバーは障がい者乗馬を広く認知してもらうために,こ れまでも北海道〜関東,東海道,九州などを馬とともに旅してきま した。今回は四国を旅した様子を,道中の馬匹の飼養管理等ととも に報告しています。三浦暁子氏の「2011 年度JRA 賞馬事文化賞受 賞作品『消えた天才騎手 最年少ダービージョッキー・前田長吉の 奇跡』書評」は,著者・前田明宏氏の略歴と最年少ダービージョッ キー・前田長吉の生涯を紹介。最後の段落ではエッセストらしい三 浦氏の語りに思わずひきこまれます。本書を読んだ方もまだの方も ぜひご一読あれ。 海外学術集会参加報告「第15回 国際運動生化学会議に参加して」 は,北岡 祐氏による寄稿。スウェーデンのストックホルムで行わ れた学術集会に参加した際の報告です。 Hippophile 担当のアイ ペック外山理恵女史に代わって寺井安代女史になりました。従前と 同様に会員の温かいご指導をよろしくお願いいたします。
(編集委員長 兼子樹廣)
The 2012 London Olympics marked the first year that Japan really went all out in supporting its athletes, and out of 24 competitions, Japan won 38 medals in 13 events. In addition to last year's Basic Act on Sport, we heard that major private corporations provided various kinds of support as well. Meanwhile, Japan's performance in the equestrian events is currently in a deplorable state. In an age when sports are considered a symbol of national power, we would like for the JRA, as the organization that has played a central role in Japan's equine community, to capitalize on this opportunity to increase the number of people associated with Japanese horses and horse culture. To achieve that, it must sense the need to further expand the equine community's base to include young children and people who are interested in horses, as well as to improve facilities and implement funding measures. This volume's Equine Comings and Goings features "Trying out Sigafoos Glue-on Shoes on Riding Horses in Japan" by Shigeaki SAITOH. Saitoh reports on the good results achieved by applying Sigafoos Glue-on shoes to horses with brittle or otherwise weak hoof walls or those with laminitis or broken hoof bones. This article is a must-read for anyone who is struggling with hoof disease in riding horses. The first article in Equine Resources is Yoshiro TAJIMA's "Secrets of Equine Production in Hokkaido: A Look at Trotters." Based on various resources, Tajima asserts that improvements were made to indigenous Hokkaido horses, which then supported various industries as farm horses and harness horses until the mid-Showa era. He presents reference materials demonstrating that the context for this was the use of female breeders called"
Nou-toro" (farm trotters), which were created by interbreeding dainty trotters with a Western Percheron breed, heavily built horses with strong pulling power. Next, Yuzo NAGATA's "Military Expansion and Equine Production Project in Hokkaido: Requisition of War Horses" presents material to support an argument that Hokkaido's equine production plan, and specifically its equine improvements, were connected to the arms buildup that began in the Meiji era and took place through the Sino-Japanese war, the Russo-Japanese war, and the Pacific War. The special article "Traveling Shikoku by Horse: A Journey for Enlightenment on Disabled Riding" is a report from Hiromi YOSHIOKA, a member of the NPO Aoikaze Bokujyou Umato Fureau-kai (meaning Blue Wind Ranch Association for Interacting with Horses). In order to raise awareness of disabled riding, the members have traveled with their horses between Hokkaido and Kanto, along Tokaido Road, and in Kyushu, for example. Here, Yoshioka reports on a trip to Shikoku, along with how the group fed and cared for the horse along the way. Akiko MIURA then presents a review, "Introducing the Winner of the FY2011 JRA Equine Culture Award: 'Vanished Jockey Extraordinaire – The Miracle of Chokichi Maeda." She presents a biographical sketch of the author, Hiroaki Maeda, and discusses the life of the youngest derby jockey, Chokichi Maeda. The final paragraph, as told in Miura's typical essayist style, really draws the reader in. I encourage both those who have and haven't read the book to read the review. Yu KITAOKA contributes a report on an overseas academic conference titled "15th International Biochemistry of Exercise Congress." It describes his experience attending the conference, held in Stockholm, Sweden. Meanwhile, Ms. Terai Yasuyo has taken the reins from Ms. Sotoyama Rie as Hippophile's representative at IPEC. We look forward to continued warm, friendly guidance from members.(Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mikihiro KANEKO)
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