
目次 Table of Contents

Equine Comings and Goings
 日本における伝統的ウマ文化 −五宮神社「田立花馬祭り」−
 Traditional Equine Culture in Japan
  Itsumiya-Tadachi Flower-horse Festival 
 高橋 邦衛
 The Lives of Horses and People around Japan.
 高草 操
 Horse Ideas: Horses in Film, Theater, Poetry, and Sculptures.
 楠見 朋彦
 Tomohiko KUSUMI
Equine Resources
 The Life of Hirotsune Hakodate (Part 1)
 田嶋 芳郎
 Yoshiro TAJIMA
Special Article
 The Soma Nomaoi and the Situation after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
 川嶋 舟
 大震災と馬  −3・11震災時に相馬地方で起きたこと
 Horses and the Great Earthquake.  
  What Happened in the Soma Area during the 3・11 Earthquake.
 琥珀色の挑戦  −2012年凱旋門賞観戦記
 A Spectator's Account of the 2012 Prix de I'Arc de Triomphe.
 Akiko MIURA
 大学馬術部紹介  酪農学園大学−創部50年の伝統
 Introducing a University Equestrian Club:  Rakuno Gakuen University
Book introduction
Journal of Equine Science Vol.23, No.4, December 2012 和文要約
                  Japanese Summary
Hippophile 投稿規程
  Submissiom Rules
Groups SponsorSupporting Member
Editor's Note
 新年明けましておめでとうございます。本誌は51 回目の刊行となり,馬の社会ではすっかり定着した感がありうれしく思っています。
 さて,2012 年12 月,「第25 回日本ウマ科学会 学術集会」が東京大学で開催されました。今回は例年になく出席者や演題数の多さ,発表内容等に変化がありました。とくに演題内容についてはバラエテーに富み,獣医学や畜産学の自然科学のみならず,馬文化に関するすばらしい社会科学的な内容が目立ちました。またシンポジウムでは「日本在来馬の現在と活用の道」をテーマに取り上げ,活発な議論がありました。この学会の設立目的に沿った学術集会になりつつあると感じたのは小生だけでしょうか。今後のさらなる発展を期待したいと思います。
 今号の馬事往来のひとつめは,橋邦衛氏による『日本における伝統的ウマ文化 五宮神社・田立花馬祭り』を掲載。この祭りは江戸時代から続く日本の伝統的祭りの一つで,五穀豊穣と自然の恵みに感謝する農民たちが馬に紙でつくった花を飾り,村内を練り歩くというものです。現在では保存会を設立し,日本全国で公演活動を行っています。つづいて高草 操氏による『日本各地の馬と人々のくらし』では,和種馬を各地で観察したようすを報告。馬たちが飼養地に自生した植物を飼料とし,厩舎や放牧なども日本の気候風土に合致した飼養形態であること,まさに在来馬は日本人が育てた馬であると述べています。楠見朋彦氏の『馬のイデア 映画・劇・詩歌・彫刻になった馬』では,サブタイトルにある映画,演劇,歌や詩,あるいは彫刻に出てくるいろいろな馬たちを歌人の感覚で捉え,詩的にイデアを表現しています。
 特別記事のひとつめは,川嶋 舟氏による『東日本大震災と相馬野馬追祭り』です。被災した福島県の馬たちの状況や,震災後の伝統ある野馬追祭りの復活状況を綴っています。次に沼田恭子氏による『大震災と馬 3・11震災時に相馬地方で起きたこと』では,被災した相馬地方の馬たちに関する情報収集を手はじめに,ツイッターやブログを通じて悪戦苦闘しながら被災馬の救助・救護に当たった貴重な記録・体験談です。今後の地震,津波,原発の馬資料として記録に留めておきたいと思います。三浦暁子氏による『琥珀色の挑戦 2012 年凱旋門賞観戦記』では,日本馬がフランスで開催される凱旋門賞を制するのではないかという予感とともに7 度目となった現地での熱戦のようすを報告。三浦氏はエッセイストらしくロンシャン競馬場や調教場の情景,残念ながら2 着になった日本の三冠馬オルフェーヴル号の馬体を琥珀色などと評し,目に浮かぶような観戦記を寄稿いただきました。『大学馬術部紹介 酪農学園大学』では馬術部を指導する宮竹智明氏が執筆。私学には珍しく推薦入学制度がないために,馬への接し方にとまどう初心者の学生たちや,サラブレッド競走用馬を乗用馬に再調教して全日本学生馬術大会に向けて奮闘するようすを紹介しています。今後は学生たちがさらに馬と親しみ,馬とのコミュニケーションを通じて,地域活動の担い手となるよう指導していただき,さらなる活躍を期待したいと思います。
 紹介記事ではJRA 競走馬総合研究所から刊行された『新 馬の医学書 〜オールカラー完全版〜』を掲載。編集委員に新しく山口洋史氏が加わったことを紹介しておきます。

(編集委員長 兼子樹廣)

 Happy New Years! This issue marks our 51st, and the feeling that we have really taken root in the equine community makes us very happy.
 In December of 2012, the 25th Congress of the Japanese Society of Equine Science was held at the University of Tokyo. This year's meeting featured an unusually large number of attendees and speech topics, and there was a change in the content of the presentations. In particular, the topics of the speeches were very diverse. Not only did they cover natural sciences such as veterinary science and animal husbandry, but the wonderful social science content about equine culture really stood out. In addition, there was a symposium on the subject of "The Present Situation of Japanese Native Horses and Paths for their Use," which sparked a lively discussion. Am I the only one who felt that the congress is becoming one that fits the reasons the society was established? I look forward to its further development in the future.
 The first article in this issue's Equine Comings & Goings is "Traditional Equine Culture in Japan: Itsumiya-Tadachi Flower-horse Festival" by Kunie TAKAHASHI. This is a traditional Japanese festival that has taken place continually since the Edo period. In it, farmers give thanks for good harvests and the blessings of nature by decorating horses with flowers made of paper and parading them around the village. Now a preservation association has been established and is doing performances all around Japan. Then, in "The Lives of Horses and People around Japan," Misao TAKAKUSA reports on her observations of Japanese horses in various places. The horses feed on plants indigenous to the land where they are raised, and the way that they are raised -- be it in stables or ranches, etc. -- is also consistent with Japan's climate. She says Japanese horses are truly horses that are raised by Japanese people. In "Horse Ideas: Horses in Film, Theater, Poetry, and Sculptures," Tomohiko KUSUMI looks at the horses that appear in film, theater, songs and poems, and sculptures, as the subtitle suggests, and portrays ideas about them in a poetic style.
 Equine Resources features "The Life of Hirotsune Hakodate (Part 1)" by Yoshiro TAJIMA. Based on resources, it introduces the birth and history of Hirotsune Hakodate, who is said to be the patriarch of modern equestrianism in Japan and the pioneer of horse improvement.
 The first Special Article is "The Soma Nomaoi Festival and the Situation after the Great East Japan Earthquake" by Shu KAWASHIMA. It spells out the condition of the horses in disaster-stricken Fukushima prefecture and the progress made on reviving the traditional Soma Nomaoi (Wild Horse Chase) Festival after the disaster. In "Horses and the Great Earthquake – What Happened in the Soma Area during the 3-11 Earthquake," Kyoko NUMATA starts by gathering information about the horses in the disaster-stricken Soma area and then shares valuable records and narratives, through means such as Twitter and blogs, of the struggle to provide rescue and aid to disaster-affected horses. It would be wise to hold onto this as an equine resource for future earthquakes, tsunamis, or nuclear power plants. In "The Golden Brown's Attempt – a Spectator's Account of the 2012 Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe," Akiko MIURA reports on the feeling that a Japanese horse might win the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe and describes the heated race, the seventh she has attended. Miura provides a picturesque spectator's account, portraying in true essayist fashion the scene at the Longchamp racetrack and training grounds and describing as "golden brown" the body of Japan's triple-crown horse Orfevre, who unfortunately came in second place. "Introducing a University Equestrian Club: Rakuno Gakuen University" was written by Tomoaki MIYATAKE, who instructs the equestrian club. He explains how, since private schools, for a change, don't have a recommendation-based admission system, beginning students were hesitant about how to interact with horses and made great efforts to prepare for the All Japan University Equestrian Federation by retraining thoroughbred racehorses as riding horses. We hope that the students will become more familiar with horses and that, through communication with horses, Miyatake will instruct them to take responsibility for local activities. We look forward to their further success.
 In our introduction article, we review "New Medical Book on Horses – Full-Color Unabridged Edition," published by the Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association. And lastly, we would like to announce the addition of Hirofumi Yamaguchi to the editorial committee.

(Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mikihiro KANEKO)