
目次 Table of Contents

Equine Comings and Goings
 日本における伝統的ウマ文化 −高浜おまんと祭り−
 Traditional Equine Culture in Japan
   Takahama Omanto Festival 
 神谷 安直
 Yasutada KAMIYA
 ウマ大国は"やっぱり"土佐だった4 大絵馬の暗号
 The Hippophile Kingdom KOCHI, JAPAN (4) Code of the Dai-ema
 長山 昌広
 Masahiro NAGAYAMA
Equine Resources
 The Life of Hirotsune Hakodate (Part 2)
 田嶋 芳郎
 Yoshiro TAJIMA
Special Article
 Tour Journal of Korea's Equine Scene.
 三浦 暁子
 Akiko MIURA
 大学馬術部紹介 北里大学
 Introducing a University Equestrian Club: Kitasato University Equestrian Club
 松浦 晶央
 For the Equine Veterinarians of the Future.
 蘆原 永敏
 Nagatoshi ASHIHARA
Journal of Equine Science Vol.24, No.1, March 2013 和文要約
                  Japanese Summary
The minutes of Editorial Committee 
Journal Article
Groups SponsorSupporting Member
Hippophile 投稿に関する基準
    Submissiom Rules
Editor's Note
 日本の4月は新入生,新入社員,新芽,新緑など新の付く多くの言葉が使われる 季節です。今年は厳冬でしたが,梅や桜の開花が例年より早いようです。新人の 歓迎会も桜が散る前に行いたいものですね。巷ではこんな年は良質な農作物,特 に良質な牧草が採れるとも言います。強くて丈夫な馬が多く産出されることを期 待したいものです。  馬事往来 神谷安直氏の「日本における伝統的ウマ文化 高浜おまんと祭り」 は,愛知県高浜市における1803年以来続いている雨乞い(神馬として黒馬を使う) と深い関わりのある祭礼の紹介です。おまんと(駆け馬)祭りの司祭は古くから 厳しい約束事の上に成り立ち,約1ヵ月の準備期間を経て,2日間の本祭を行いま す。また,現在は保存会が設立され,高浜市の民族無形文化財の指定を受けてい ます。長山昌広氏の「ウマ大国は"やっぱり"土佐だった4 大絵馬の暗号」は, 道の辺の案内板から偶然馬頭観世音菩薩にめぐり会い,石碑に裏書された散文の 内容を確認するため,関係者を探り取材を進めます。その過程で土佐国を象徴し ている大絵馬に出会い,馬頭観音が様々な人間と繋がりがあることが述べられて います。  馬事資料 田島芳郎氏の「函館大経の生涯(下)」は前号に引き続く内容で, 明治天皇の馬の調教や天覧馬術の披露,函館から森駅までの路線馬車の運行,函 館招魂社の祭典競馬での審判と函館競馬場の審査長歴任など,馬と共に生きた函 館大径の生涯を記しています。  特別記事 三浦暁子氏の「韓国馬事シーン見学記」では,最近の韓国の競馬場 は競馬のみならず,ポニー競馬や市民の憩いの場,馬術会場などに活用され,更 には立派な乗馬施設を有するといった,韓国競馬施設の多彩な面を伝えています。 本記事は,これら韓国の馬事文化を通し,最近のギクシャクした隣国との問題・ 困難を乗り越えようと言う温かい思いで結ばれています。松浦晶央氏の「大学馬 術部紹介 北里大学」では,本拠地である十和田キャンパスの獣医学部所属学生 主体の馬術部が紹介されています。1966年の創部より文武両道の精神に基づき, 活動費用の馬管理費は大学側が負担し,飼養管理を学生が行うというユニークな 運営を行っています。また,厩舎はAnimal Welfareを重視した設計で,馬場は 国内の大学では最高級です。部は雪国のハンデを持ちながらも馬術大会で好成績 を収め,部員は大学の馬獣医学教育にも貢献しています。蘆原永敏氏の「未来の 馬獣医師のために」は,JRAの施設で全国の獣医学生を対象にした研修の報告です。  先日平成25年度のHippophile編集委員会を開催し,その議事内容の要旨を掲載 しました。会議では活発な質疑とともに意義のある前向きな意見交換が多くあり ました。御一読され,会員からの多くの投稿を期待しています。なお,学会記事 として総会の議事録を掲載しました。

(編集委員長 兼子樹廣)

In Japan, April is a time of year when many terms that include the word "new" are used – new students, new employees, new sprouts, new greenery, etc. Despite a harsh winter this year, the plum and cherry blossoms are opening earlier than usual. We want to hold welcome parties for new employees before the cherry blossoms disappear. Conventional wisdom holds that years like this yield good-quality crops, and especially good-quality pasture grass. We hope that many strong, sturdy horses will be born. Equine Comings & Goings: Yasutada KAMIYA's "Traditional Equine Culture in Japan: Takahama Omanto Festival" provides an introduction to a ritual with deep ties to prayers for rain (using black horses as the sacred horses) carried out in Aichi prefecture's Takahama city since 1803. The Omanto (horse-running) Festival is traditionally organized based on strict conventions, and preparations go on for about a month before the two-day festival is held. Now a preservation society has been established, and it has received designation as an important intangible cultural folk asset for Takahama city. In "The Hippophile Kingdom KOCHI, Japan (4), Code of the Dai-ema," Masahiro NAGAYAMA stumbles across a Bato (horse-headed) Kannon bodhisattva (Hayagriva in Sanskrit), by way of a roadside sign. In order to verify the content of the prose written on the back of the stone monument, he searches out and interviews people with connections to it. In the process, he encounters a "dai-ema," (a large wooden painting, often of horses, offering prayers at shrines) symbolizing Tosa Prefecture (now Kochi), and he reports that the horse-headed Kannon has connections with a lot of different people. Equine Resources: "The Life of Hirotsune Hakodate (Part 2)" by Yoshiro TAJIMA is a continuation from the last issue. It records Hirotsune Hakodate's life alongside horses, including the breaking in of the Meiji emperor's horse and equestrian performances viewed by the emperor, the operation of a horse carriage route from Hakodate to Mori station, judging at the ceremonial horse-racing at Hakodate Shokonsha Shrine and serving as chief judge at the Hakodate Racecourse. Special Article: In "Tour Journal of Korea's Equine Scene," Akiko MIURA tells about the diverse faces of Korean horseracing facilities. Nowadays they are used not only for horseracing, but also for pony-racing, as a place for citizens to relax, and as equestrian venues, and there are very nice horse-riding facilities as well. Through these aspects of Korea's equine culture, she hopes to overcome the recent flare-up in problems and difficulties with Japan's neighboring country. Akihiro MATSUURA's "Introducing a University Equestrian Club: Kitasato University Equestrian Team" introduces an equestrian club comprised mostly of students in the equine veterinarian club on the Towada home campus. Based on the spirit of both academics and sports since its founding in 1966, the club has a unique operating system in which the university bears the costs of maintaining the horses, while students are responsible for their feeding and care. Also, the stable is designed with an emphasis on animal welfare, and the riding ground is one of the finest among Japanese universities. Despite having a snowy region handicap, the club does well at equestrian competitions and the members also contribute to the university's equine veterinary education. "For the Equine Veterinarians of the Future" by Nagatoshi ASHIHARA is a report on a workshop at the JRA facility for equine veterinary students around Japan. The Hippophile editorial board held its FY 2013 meeting recently, and we published a summary of the meeting's contents. The meeting featured lively questions and many meaningful, forward-looking exchanges of ideas. Once you have read it, we look forward to many articles being submitted by members. Please note that we published the minutes of the general assembly as an academic article.

(Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mikihiro KANEKO)