
目次 Table of Contents

第25回学術集会 シンポジウム 「日本在来馬の現在と活用の道」
 座長 近藤誠司
25rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Equine Science: Scientific Sessions Symposium
'The Present Situation of Japanese Native Horses and Paths for their Use' Chairman Seiji KONDO
 The Current Situation of Japanese Native Horses and their Registration Management
 山下 大輔
 Misaki Native Horses – Their Origin, Current Situation
 秋田 優
 Masaru AKITA
 Kiso Native Horses – Their Origin, Current Situation, and Potencial
 竹田 謙一
 Kenichi TAKEDA
 Hokkaido Native Horses – Their Origin, Current Situation, and Potencial
 近藤 誠司
 Seiji KONDO
 Where Did Native Japanese Horses Come From?
 戸崎 晃明
 Teruaki TOZAKI
Special Article
  招待講演・症例検討会・実習について  The Japanese Society of Equine Science
 The 5th Equine Veterinarians Working Group's
 Invited Lecture, Case Discussion Forum,
 and Workshop
 小林 光紀
 Mitsutoshi KOBAYASHI
 笠嶋 快周  Yoshinori KASASHIMA
 川崎 和巳  Kazumi KAWASAKI
 佐々木 直樹
Information of The 26th Japanese Society of Equine Science Annual Meeting
Journal of Equine Science Vol.24, No.2, June 2013 和文要約
                  Japanese Summary
Groups SponsorSupporting Member
Hippophile 投稿に関する基準
    Submissiom Rules
Editor's Note
 2013年、5月26日に第80回日本ダービーが開催されました。優勝したキズナ号は ディープインパクト号の産駒で、武 豊ジョッキーの後方からの見事な鋭い追い込 みが見られました。競馬は優秀な血統やジョッキーが重要視され華やかさをもって います。しかし和種馬は地域に密着した生活文化とともに歩んできた貴重な8品種 であり、今後も地味だが日本が誇れる馬として存続・土着し、進化・発展して欲し い,そんな意味合いから今回のシンポジウムの題材は大きな意義がありました。  今号は、第25回学術集会で行われたシンポジウム『日本の在来馬の現在と活用の 道』について,講演内容を5人の演者に纏めていただき,特集号的な扱いで取り上 げました。  山下大輔氏の「日本在来馬の現状と登録管理」は、日本和種馬として登録されて いる8品種の保存会、文化財指定、登録事業などの状況について体型標準、飼育環 境や体制、頭数等の概要を主体に登録の関連から述べています。秋田 優氏の「御 崎馬について」は、約300年前からの御崎馬の歴史的経緯、野生馬と言われる馬の 行動や牧野の植生・生態系、環境・教育教材への活用、馬と人の触れ合いやエコツ アー活動、管理(保存会と保護活動)等について具体的事例を挙げ述べています。 武田謙一氏の「木曽馬について」は、木曽馬が信州で人馬一体となり生活していた 長い歴史的繋がりについて述べています。信州には古くは朝廷・天皇の直轄領であ る牧(現在の馬の牧場)が多く、木曽馬は献上馬として納められたり、中山道での 駅伝方式による独特な輸送手段で御伝馬(信州中馬)として利用されました。また 木曽馬は野生馬の特有の鰻線(まんせん)を有します。軍馬に使用するために大型 化されましたが、現在は肉用、伴侶用、展示用、使役用として活用されています。 近藤誠司氏(座長)の「北海道和種馬について」は、様々な体型や毛色、そして鰻 線、側対歩が出来るなどの特徴、更にはドサンコの起源・北海道への移動、駄付け (400 sもの駄載)について述べています。演者は肉生産、遺伝的な確立、トレッ キング用、障碍者用乗用馬、森林管理用、災害援助用と多用途な馬として今後の活 用を大いに期待しています。戸崎晃明氏の「日本在来馬はどこから来たか?」は、 日本在来馬の系統解析に関する研究(遺跡発掘調査や歴史的資料)では様々な説が あるが,系統をより明確にするためにDNA分析技術を用い解明しようとした報告で す。世界の馬の遺伝的な系統解析の結果も述べています。一方、"日本在来馬はど こへ向かうのか"の論説のなかで、日本の在来馬は地域に土着し集団化した馬であ り、しかも各地の生活や文化に根付いた家畜で地域文化を代表する位置づけにある 動物と捉え、今後は柔軟な登録制度のもとで在来馬同士の交雑を行い,広く在来馬 の保全や利活用をする必要性を説いています。最後に座長のもとで「総合討論」が 行われましたが、演者間の持論に賛否両論があった結論のように思います。しかし、 各演者並びに出席者は日本在来馬に強い関心や存続意欲のもった者の集まりであっ たことが窺われました。  特別記事とした小林光紀氏の「第5回臨床獣医師ワーキンググループ 招待講演 ・症例検討会・実習について」は、馬の整形外科専門家であるDr. Sue Dysonの 「跛行診断における最近の進歩(Recent advances in lameness diagnosis)」 と題した招聘講演を中心に,学術集会の場や美浦トレーニングセンター、静内町、 新ひだか町で行われた講演や実習内容の紹介記事となります。

(編集委員長 兼子樹廣)  

 The 80th Nippon Derby was held on May 26, 2013. The winner, Kizuna, is a son of Deep Impact, and its jockey Yutaka TAKE came sharply from behind for a spectacular final stretch. In horse racing, a superior blood line and a good jockey are considered important, and there is a certain amount of glamour. Meanwhile, Japanese horses consist of eight prized breeds that have developed hand in hand with a community-based lifestyle and culture. In the sense of wanting them to survive and take root and to progress and develop as horses Japan can be proud of, however plain, the subject of the symposium covered in this issue was highly meaningful.  In this issue, we have compiled the presentation contents of five speakers at the Scientific Sessions Symposium "The Present Situation of Japanese Native Horses and Paths for their Use," which took place at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Equine Science, and presented them in the form of a special issue.  "The Current Situation of Japanese Native Horses and their Registration Management," by Daisuke YAMASHITA, looks at the situation of preservation societies for the eight breeds registered as Japanese native horses, their designation as cultural assets, and registration programs, etc. He talks about registration-related matters, focusing on an overview of their body type standard, the environment and system in which they are raised, and how many there are, for example. In "Misaki Native Horses—Their Origin, Current Situation, and Potential," Masaru AKITA presents specific examples in discussing the history of Misaki horses over the last 300 years or so, along with the behavior of the horses, which are considered wild, their pastures' vegetation and ecosystem, the environment, their use in educational materials, the horses' interaction with people and their eco-tour activities, and their management (preservation societies and conservation activities), etc. In "Kiso Native Horses," Kennichi TAKEDA tells about the long historical involvement Kiso horses had living side by side with humans in Shinshu. In Shinshu, there are a lot of pastures (currently horse pastures), which were the direct territory of the imperial court and the emperor in the old days. Kiso horses were reserved as tribute horses, and they were used as messenger horses (Shinshu Chuma) in a unique means of transport consisting of a relay method along Nakasendo Road. Also, Kiso horses have the dorsal bands distinctive of wild horses. The horses were made larger to use as chargers, but now they are being used for meat, for companionship, for exhibitions, and for service purposes. Seiji KONDO (the seminar leader) discusses in "Hokkaido Native Horses" such characteristics as their various physiques and coat colors, their dorsal bands, and the fact that they can amble, as well as the origins of Dosanko horses and their move to Hokkaido, and their use as pack horses (loading up to 400 kg). Mr. Kondohas high expectations for the horses' versatile use in the future, for purposes such as meat production, genetic entrenchment, and trekking, as riding horses for the disabled, and for forestry management and disaster assistance. From Teruaki TOZAKI, we have "Where Did Native Japanese Horses Come From?" While there are a variety of explanations in research on the lineage analysis of native Japanese horses (archaeological site studies and historical documents, etc.), this is a report that attempts to answer the question by using DNA analytical techniques to clarify their phyletic line. He also tells the results of phylogenetic analysis on horses around the world. Meanwhile, in "Where are Native Japanese Horses Headed?", he perceives Japan's native horses as horses that have taken root and clustered together in their respective regions and become livestock that are well-established in each region's life and culture, and as animals that are in a position to represent regional culture. He advocates the need to begin crossing native Japanese horses based on a flexible registration system and to implement widespread conservation and effective use. At the end, in the "Discussion" chaired by Mr. Kondo, the conclusion seemed to be that there were arguments both for and against the presenters' theories. Nevertheless, it was clearly a gathering of presenters and attendees who had a strong interest in native Japanese horses and a desire for their survival.  The feature article by Mitsutoshi KOBAYASHI, "The 5th Equine Veterinarians Working Group's Invited Lecture, Case Discussion Forum, and Workshop," focuses on an invited lecture entitled "Recent Advances in Lameness Diagnosis," by equine orthopedic specialist Dr. Sue Dyson. It introduces the lectures and workshops presented at the annual JSES meeting, at the Miho Training Center, in Shizunaicho, and in Shinhidakacho.

(Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mikihiro KANEKO)