
Table of Contents


Equine Comings and Goings
 Traditional Equine Culture in Japan
  Hachinohe Horseback Lacrosse Inherits Kagami Style
   平野 直
 Tadashi HIRANO
 Introducing Canada's Community Association for Riding
 for the Disabled(CARD)
   川喜田 健司
 The Horses of la Garde Repubulicaine(the Repubulic Guard)
   沢田 康文
 Yasuhumi SAWAWDA
 Production and Path of Criollo Horses at the University of Tokyo Animal
 Resource Science Center
   遠藤 麻衣子
 Maiko ENDO
 日本在来馬の希少価値 ―300年後の在来馬構想の提言―
 The Society Value of Japanese Native Horses
A Proposed Vision for Japanese Native Horses 300 Years from Now  
   岩田 光太
Special Article
 ドバイ・ワールドカップ その魅惑の一日
 An Enchanting Day at the Dubai World Cup
   三浦 暁子
 Akiko MIURA
 Horses Sales Produres and Legal Problem (1)
   八木 由里
 Yuri YAGI
 Introducing a University Equestrian Club:
 Hirosaki University's Club Then and Now
   一戸 義規
 Yoshinori ICHINOHE
Introduction of Books
Journal of Equine Science Vol.24, No.4, December 2013 和文要約
                  Japanese Summary
Groups SponsorSupporting Member
Hippophile 投稿に関する基準
    Submissiom Rules
Editor's Note

 2003年の15号から55号に至る10年間本誌の編集委員長を務めさせて頂き今号で退任することになりました。一重に会員の皆様を初め投稿者,レフリーそして編集委員やアイペック担当者の本誌に対する熱意とご協力の賜物と深く感謝しているところです。今後は楠瀬新委員長に引き継ぐことになります。どうか今までにも増して新委員長を中心に日本の馬学会誌としての真価を存分に発揮して頂くことを祈念して筆を置きます。 (兼子樹廣)

 さて,ヒポファイルも長い歴史を持つ雑誌に成長しました。会員諸氏が出版を待ち望む,さらに有意義な雑誌になるように努力するつもりですので,みなさまのご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。 (楠瀬 良)

 The animal symbol for 2014 according to the Chinese zodiac is the horse. I'd encourage all of us on the editorial committee and our members to make this a unique scientific journal about horses.
 For Equine Comings & Goings, we invited the following contributions: a look at Hachinohe equine lacrosse, which has a 185-year tradition as part of traditional Japanese horse culture rooted in the context of bushido (the Samurai way), by Tadashi Hirano; an introduction to the activities of Canadian nonprofit Community Association for Riding for the Disabled (CARD), by Kenji Kawakita; a look at the selection and activities of the horses that stand guard over France's important national events and assignments (safety), by Yasufumi Sawada; an introduction to the University of Tokyo Animal Resource Science Center's production of thoroughbred Criollo horses, by Maiko Endo; and a vision for preserving Japanese native horses 300 years from now, based on an acknowledgment of their scarcity value, by Kouta Iwata.
 For our special articles, we have contributions from: Akiko Miura, who shares some of the numerous dramas she observed while watching the 9th Dubai World Cup race; Yuri Yagi, who discusses sales procedures and legal problems in order to prevent the troubles that frequently occur in horse trading; and Yoshiki Ichinohe, who covers Hirosaki University in this issue's introduction of a university equestrian club.
 Having served as the journal's editor-in-chief for 10 years, from issue 15 in 2003 to issue 55, I am retiring as of this issue. I am deeply grateful for having been able to stay with the journal this long, which I attribute to the enthusiasm shown toward the journal by all our members as well as our contributors, referees and editorial committee members, and IPEC liaisons, and to the results of their cooperation. From this point forward, Ryo Kusunose will be taking over as the editor-in-chief. So, as I lay down my pen, I express my hope that the new editor-in-chief and the rest of the team will exert the journal's true value as Japan's equine journal to the fullest, even more than has been done thus far.  (Dr. Mikihiro KANEKO)

 My name is Ryu Kusunose, and I have the privilege of assuming the post of Hippophile editor-in-chief from the outgoing Dr. Kaneko. I am grateful for this opportunity.
 Let me introduce myself briefly.
 I first began conducting research on horses in 1981. For the 4 years before that, I had been learning research methods for animal behavior that solely used rats. After joining the JRA Equine Research Institute in 1982, I spent around 30 years conducting behavioral research on thoroughbreds in such fields as breeding farms, rearing farms, and racetracks. At present I work for Japan Farriers Association (a public service corporation), so I have left the research scene, but my ties to horses continue by way of the farrier industry.
 To be honest, most of the editing of the articles in this 55th issue of Hippophile was done by Dr. Kaneko; the only one I was involved with was the book review section.
 In the book review section, two new publications edited by the Japanese Society of Equine Science are introduced.
 One is the "Uma Daizukan" (Big picture book of horses), and although it is geared toward elementary and middle school students, it is chock full of information that even horse lovers won't know, making it a book that adults can enjoy as well.
 The other book is "Kyosoba Handobukku" (Racehorse handbook). Written primarily by Osamu Aoki, who has just become the new chairman of this society, as well as other experts in fields such as equine research and rearing, we can consider it a book that's in a class of its own. Its chapters expounding on biomechanics, the latest equine physiology, theriogenology, and rearing techniques are highly original. Although the book's name includes the term "Racehorse," I think it is amply informative for anyone involved with horseback riding. I believe it is definitely a book worth having by one's side.
 Finally, Hippophile has grown into a journal with a long history. I intend to strive to make it an even more meaningful journal whose publication will be anxiously awaited by all the members. I ask for your kind cooperation in that effort. (Ryo Kusunose)