Journal of Equine Science Vol.18, No.2, June 2007
Originals Effects of Shade Provision on Some Physiological Parameters, Behavior and Performance of Pack Donkeys (Equinus asinus) during the Hot-Dry Season ――Ndazo S.MINKA and Joseph O.AYO Running Form Characteristics of the Triple Crown Winner in Japan ――Toshiyuki TAKAHASHI, Osamu AOKI and Atsushi HIRAGA Note MDCT Images of the Head of a Horse with Malignant Melanoma ――Naoki SASAKI, Takuto MINAMI, Kazutaka YAMADA, Motoyoshi SATOH, Hisashi INOKUMA, Yoshiyasu KOBAYASHI, Hidefumi FURUOKA and Haruo YAMADA Case Report Pathology of Aortic-Iliac Thrombosis in Two Horses ――Toshifumi OYMADA, Kazunori SAIGAMI, Chun-Ho PARK, Yoshinari KATAYAMA and Masa-aki OIKAWA The 47th Annual Meeting of Investigation and Research Concerning the Racehorses -Part 1-