Journal of Equine Science Vol.22, No.4, December 2011
Original Article Population Statistics and Biological Traits of Endangered Kiso Horse ――Masaki TAKASU, Nana HIRAMATSU, Teruaki TOZAKl, Hironaga KAKOI, Telhisa HASEGAWA, Masami MAEDA, Huricha, Satoshi KUSUDA, Osamu DOI, Tetsuma MURASE and Harutaka MUKOYAMA Note Change of Ferritin-binding Activity in the Serum of Foal after Birth ――Takushi OHYA, Takashi KONDO, Yasunaga YOSHIKAWA, Kiyotaka WATANABE and Koichi ORINO Contents of Journal of Equine Science Author Index Subject Index Refrees contributed to articles in volume 22, 2011