目次 Table of Contents
Equine Comings and Goings
Horse Trekking with Dosanko in Kushiro Wetland, Hokkaido
川崎 英生
The Aspect of Japanese Horse Racing in the Postwar Transition
-From a Viewpoint of "Japan Horse Racing Associstion-
野崎 有以
Genomic and Gnetic Studies for Racing Performance in Thoroughbred Horse
戸崎 晃明
Teruaki TOZAKI
Special Article
Hokkaido University Equestrian Team
本城 敬文
Yoshifumi HONJO
日本ウマ科学会 第3回馬臨床ワーキンググループ
The Japanese Society of Equine Science The 3rd Equine Veterinarians
Working Group's Invited Lecture, Case Discussion Forum, and Workshop
Overseas ScientificMeeting Participation Report
8th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology
河合 美菜子
Minako KAWAI
Journal of Equine Science Vol.22, No.1, April 2011 和文要約
Japanese Summary
Journal Article
Groups Sponsor・Supporting Member
Hippophile 投稿規程
Submissiom Rules
Editor's Note
特別記事2編では、本城敬文氏の『北海道大学馬術部の紹介』は、古くから北海道の馬術界における中核的役割を果たし、多くの優秀な成績を残している実績を含めた馬術部の過去から現在に至る紹介内容です。また、佐々木直樹氏の『日本ウマ科学会 第3回馬臨床獣医師ワーキンググループ招待講演・症例検討会・実習について』は、ウマ科学会の一環として開催された活動内容の報告記事です。招待講演はRichardson教授の骨折治療に関する講演。症例検討会の様子や手術実習などの報告です。
海外学術集会参加報告では、河合美菜子氏の『第8回国際ウマ運動生理学会に参加して』は、2010年に南アフリカ共和国のケープタウンで開催された学会に出席した概要です。日本人の発表内容が目につくものの、ご本人がBest Graduate Student Awardとして表彰されたことは誠におめでたいことと思います。
編集委員会議事録の内容は、昨年度の編集報告と反省や今年度の編集方針等であるが、今年度から新しい試みとしてHippophile掲載原稿のタイトルと要約を英文化し、日本のウマ文化などの情報を学会のホームページで海外に紹介していく予定です。また、今号から地方競馬全国協会の相川貴志氏を編集委員に加え、充実した内容にすべく努力しますので、ご本人共々編集委員を宜しくお願い致します。 |
(編集委員長 兼子樹廣)
April was supposed to be a festive time for welcoming new graduates into workplaces and new students into schools, but on March 11, a great earthquake unlike any the world has known struck eastern Japan and caused great damage to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor, sending Japan into a prolonged state of devastation. I believe scientists should put their heads together with citizens and recommend measures to overcome this national crisis. If we were to search for cheerful news in the midst of these circumstances, in equine circles it would have to be that a Japanese horse (Victoire Pisa) won the Dubai World Cup, the race with the highest prize in the world, for the first time on March 26th. We look forward to further success by Japanese jockeys and horses in international races held overseas.
In Equine Comings and Goings, "Horse Trekking with Dosanko in Kushiro Wetland, Hokkaido" by Hideo Kawasaki introduces horse trekking with Hokkaido-bred horses (dosanko) in the vast, nature-rich Kushiro Marsh, located in eastern Hokkaido. Accompanied by photos galore, the article introduces the activities of Tsurui Dosanko Ranch and the good things about dosanko horses, such as their gait and temperament. Also, Ai Nozaki's "The Aspect of Japanese Horse Racing in the Postwar Transition ―From a Viewpoint of "Japan Horse Racing Association"―" is a huge, invaluable work that discusses, with annotations, the circumstances surrounding Japanese horse racing after the war, based on accounts in a large volume of collected material. I believe this report will be the cornerstone of future research into Japanese horse-racing.
In Reviews, "Genomic and Genetic Studies for Racing Performance in Thoroughbred Horses" by Teruaki Tozaki expounds on research being done on genes involved in athletic performance and DNA polymorphisms that affect that performance; these have already been mapped for humans and mice, and in recent years research has begun to be performed on horses. In the world of thoroughbreds, this is desperately needed information. On the other hand, Tozaki points out the mountain of future challenges that are piling up, such as the fact that only a few cases of genetic detection have been completed thus far, the further need for research on the relation between environmental factors and genetics (epigenetics; DNA methylation), and the need to cultivate experts who can properly understand and communicate genetic information.
In our Feature Articles, Yoshifumi Honjo's "Hokkaido University Equestrian Team" introduces details from past to present on the equestrian club, which has long played a central role in Hokkaido equestrian circles and counts numerous great results among its achievements. And Naoki Sasaki's "The Japanese Society of Equine Science, The 3rd Equine Veterinarians Working Group's Invited Lecture, Case Discussion Forum, and Workshop" is a report on the activities held as part of the Society of Equine Science's annual events. The report describes the invited lecture by Professor Richardson about fracture repair as well as the case discussion forum and the surgery demonstration.
In the Overseas Meeting Participation Report, Minako Kawai's "8th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology" is a summary of her experience attending the conference held in 2010 in Capetown, South Africa. While our attention is drawn to the contents of presentations by Japanese, we are also sincerely happy for Ms. Kawai herself, who was honored with the Best Graduate Student Award.
The contents of the editorial committee meeting's minutes include last year's editorial report and reflections, along with this year's editorial policy. As a new experiment, beginning this year we plan to translate into English the titles and summaries of the articles posted in Hippophile as a way of introducing information about Japanese horse culture, etc., to the overseas community via the society's website. Also, starting with this issue we have added Takashi Aikawa of the National Association of Racing as an editorial committee member. As we continue to strive to produce solid, high-quality content, we ask for your support of Mr. Aikawa as well as the rest of our editorial committee. |
(Mikihiro Kaneko, Editor-in-Chief)