
Hippophile No.47

Table of Contents

Equine Comings and Goings

            日本における伝統的ウマ文化 -賀茂競馬について-
Traditional Equine Culture in Japan - Kamo Horse Race - 

            藤木 保誠
Yasumasa FUJIKI

Horse Stamps

            田内 昴作
Kousaku TAUCHI

Hungary and Equine Culture (2) The Created "Horse-riding" Tradition

            小島 亮

Material that Horse

Resources of Equine Breeding in Hokkaido

            永田 雄三

Special Article


The Road to the 2nd and 3rd Jockey Babies and the Dream Go on

            土肥 幸広
Yukihiro DOHI

Smart Suit Lite Integrated with Jockey Protector
and Verification of Its Load Reduction

            日下 聖、田中孝之、今村由芽子
Takashi KUSAKA, Takayuki TANAKA, 
Yumeko IMAMURA, Munenobu 
SAITO, Yoshihito Suzuki

            繰り返しの向こうに ~2011年凱旋門賞観戦記~
Beyond the Repetition ~A Witness's Account of 2011 Prix de I'Arc de Triomphe~

            三浦 暁子

            Greeting of
            Old and New Chairman
            Journal of Equine Science Vol.22, No.4, December 2011 和文要約
Japanese Summary

Groups Sponsor・Supporting Member

            Hippophile 投稿規程
Submissiom Rules

Editor's Note


            今年の馬事往来は、藤木保誠氏の『日本における伝統的ウマ文化―賀茂競馬について―』からです。タイトルにも示されているように古来から継承されている日本の伝統的なウマ文化の一端を紹介しています。701年に競馬が朝廷の儀式として行っていた天下泰平・五穀豊穣を祈願する祭典競馬を京都賀茂神社での行事として1093年以降現在も行われています。詳しく紹介されている賀茂競馬の儀式や手順は日本の競馬の原点なのです。田内昂作氏の『馬の切手』は、切手収集歴約60年の筆者に、貴重な馬の切手数千種の中から選りすぐった海外の切手を紹介・投稿頂きました。実に様々な絵柄があります。小島 亮氏の『ハンガリーと馬文化(2)創られた「騎馬」伝統』は、46号に引き続いての連載で、ハンガリー人の騎馬民族説は戦争や農業の変貌、異民族との遭遇などの中で神話化されながらハンガリーの馬文化として熟成してきた。そのハンガリーの騎馬の実態は軽騎兵部隊ではなく重騎兵部隊であったということです。


            特別記事は、土肥幸広氏の『第2回・3回全国ポニー競馬選手権への挑戦と夢の続き・・・』は、子供達がポニーを使って行う全国ポニー競馬選手権に出場するために取り入れた各種トレーニング方法を紹介しています。乗馬を短期間に上手になりたい子供や大人には必読の内容です。日下 聖氏他の『調教騎手用筋力補助装具スマートスーツ・ライトの開発―騎乗装具との一体化による装着感の向上と負担軽減効果の検証―』は、調教騎手用スマートスーツ・ライトの開発、改善した装置の効果をフィールド実験によって検証した成績です。三浦暁子氏の『繰り返しの向こうに~2011年凱旋門賞観戦記~』は、競馬を観戦してその感覚を紙面で伝える喜びに溢れている文面です。詩を読んでいるような感覚です。小生も真似たいが出来ない。


            (編集委員長 兼子樹廣)

            wishes upon the beginning of a new year. Last year, with its
            major earthquake and ensuing disaster, was a year in which the
            special bonds that Japanese people are known for were reaffirmed.
            This year is the year for the Olympics in London. In not only
            the equestrian but also the horse-racing community, we hope you
            will give serious thought this year to developing people and
            horses that can be active and competitive worldwide. 

            This year's Equine Comings &
            Goings begins with "Traditional Equine Culture in Japan
            - Kamo Horse Race" by Yasumasa FUJIKI. As the title indicates,
            the article presents a taste of the traditional horse culture
            passed down in Japan from the days of old. The ceremonial horse
            racing done in the year 701 as an Imperial Court ritual to pray
            for peace and a good harvest has been carried out from 1093 until
            the present day as a festivity at Kyotoユs Kamo Shrine. The Kamo
            horse race ceremony and procedures, which the article describes
            in detail, are actually the origins of horse racing in Japan.
            In his article "Horse Stamps," Kousaku TAUCHI, who
            has collected stamps for 60 years, introduces some overseas stamps
            selected from among several thousand varieties of valuable horse
            stamps. There are truly a wide variety of designs. Rio KOJIMA's
            "Hungary and Equine Culture (2), The Created Horse-riding
            Tradition" follows on the heels of the seriesユ first installment
            in Volume 46. It describes how the theory that the Hungarians
            were a horse-riding people was mythicized amid the transformations
            in war and agriculture, for example, and the encounters with
            different ethnic groups, and how it eventually matured in the
            form of Hungary's horse culture. He asserts that the true situation
            of Hungary's horse-riding was not one of light cavalry but rather
            of heavy cavalry. 

            Drawing on equine resources,
            "Resources of Equine Breeding in Hokkaido" by Yuzo
            NAGATA explains how Japan's pastures trace their roots to the
            grazing lands developed and administered by the Ministry of the
            Military for tribute horses and stagecoach horses, in accordance
            with the Taiho Code in the Asuka Period. Nagata writes that Hokkaidoユs
            pastures got their start at the beginning of the 19th century
            when the Edo Shogunate, recognizing the importance of security
            from a southbound Russian threat as well as road transportation
            in Ezochi, established shogunate-operated grazing lands. Later,
            full-fledged horse production in Hokkaido shifted to a Western
            style as trainers were invited from the United States and modern
            farming methods and Western-style veterinary science were adopted.
            The article provides a compact account of the trajectory of Hokkaidoユs
            horses, which is inextricably linked with Hokkaidoユs unique climate,
            throughout the history of the government and the shogunateユs
            development of Hokkaido. 

            In a special article, "The
            Road to the 2nd and 3rd Jockey Babies and the Dreams Go On",
            Yukihiro DOHI introduces various types of training methods that
            have been adopted using ponies to help children participate in
            the national pony racing championship. Children or adults who
            want to become good riders very quickly won't want to miss this
            article. "Smart Suit Lite Integrated with Jockey Protector
            and Verification of Its Load Reduction" by Takashi KUSAKA
            et al. presents the results of field experiments testing the
            effects rendered by the development and improvement of the Smart
            Suit Light for horse trainers. Akiko MIURA's "Beyond the
            Repetition ~A Witness's Account of 2011 Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe~"
            is a joyful piece that conveys in writing the feelings experienced
            while watching horse-racing. So graceful it reads like a poem,
            it is a piece I can only dream of imitating.

            For the FY 2012 year, a new chairman
            took the helm of the Japanese Society of Equine Science. We have
            published the messages presented by both former chairman Atsushi
            OGAWA and new chairman Shigeru SUGANO. Also, former Editorial
            Executive Director Hirokazu TSUBONE passed the baton to his successor,
            Kazuyoshi TAYA. We would like to express our appreciation to
            the outgoing chairman and executive director for their hard work,
            and we also hope you will be kind and understanding of the incoming
            personnel's future efforts as they build on their past accomplishments.
            We also added Ryo KUSUNOSE as a new editorial committee member.
            We are confident that he and the entire staff will continue making
            Hippophile into an ever more robust publication. We look forward
            to their guidance in the days to come.  
            Kaneko, Editor-in-Chief)