
Hippophile No.54


目次 Table of Contents

Equine Comings and Goings
 人と馬コの絆が生んだ祭り 南部盛岡チャグチャグ馬コ
 Traditional Equine Culture in Japan
  - Festival Derived from the Bonds between Man and Horse
  Nambu-Morioka Chagu Chagu Umakko -
 笹森 真人
 Examining Different Opinions about the Preservation of Japanese Native Horse
 A Visit to Cape Toi and Southern Kyushu Island
 岩田 光太
 The Basics of Contagious Diseases in Horse
  How to Protect Cherished Horse
 安斉 了
Equine Resources
 日本の乗用馬生産 国産馬の生産奨励
 Riding Horse Production in Japan
 Production Incentives for Domestic Japanese Horses
 草野 信一
 Shinichi KUSANO
 Nanae Kan-en's Horse Improvement Program
 田島 芳郎
 Yoshiro TAJIMA
Special Article
 A Look at the Social Significance of the Dubai World Cup
 三浦 太郎
 Deauville - A City for Hippophiles
 小松 まり
 「疾走!相馬野馬追 東日本大震災を越えて」講評
 Introducing the Winner of the FY2012 JRA Equine Culture Award
 三浦 暁子
 Akiko MIURA
 大学馬術部紹介 宇都宮大学
 Introducing a University Equestrian Club:
 Utsunomiya University Equestrian Club
 金田 利彦
 Toshihiko KANEDA
Journal of Equine Science Vol.24, No.3, September 2013 和文要約
                  Japanese Summary
Groups Sponsor・Supporting Member
Hippophile 投稿に関する基準
    Submissiom Rules
Editor's Note


 2020年のオリンピックとパラリンピックの開催は嬉しいことに東京に決定しました。日本の馬術選手・乗馬者は7 年後の開催に向けて,長年メダルに手が届いていない現状を打破して欲しいものです。それには,今号に草野氏も述べているように,日本の馬術界は資質改良された国産馬を大いに利活用し,騎乗や調教技術をこの際に研鑽してもらいたいと思うところです。
 馬事往来 笹森真人氏の「人と馬コの絆が生んだ祭り:南部盛岡チャグチャグ馬コ」は,農民と庶民によって継承されてきた昔ながらの手作りの祭りで,日本における伝統的ウマ文化の一つで文化庁から無形文化財に指定されています。チャグチャグ馬コの語源や馬装束についても紹介されています。岩田光太氏の「分けて深める在来馬保存活動の見かた―南九州の馬事あれこれ―」は,本学会25回学術集会シンポジウムを聴講して,在来馬の品種,環境そして馬文化の保存活動へのある種の提言内容ですが参考にしたいものです。安斉了氏の「馬の伝染病,その基本~大切な愛馬を伝染病から守るために~」は,自馬を恐ろしい国内外の主な伝染病から守るための基本や対策・方法を解かり易く纏め,一表にした内容です。草野信一氏の「日本の乗用馬生産―国産馬の生産奨励―」は,乗馬人口や乗馬頭数,国産乗馬生産や乗馬市場などについて農水省の馬関係資料から分析,推察し,将来の国産乗用馬生産の増加対策などを提言している内容です。田島芳郎氏の「七重官園の馬匹改良事業」は,日本の馬産事業の発端地と思慮される七重官園の古い資料より函館大経氏や種牡馬そして繁殖牝馬等の記録を読み取り,日本の馬匹改良事業の全容を解明するに至ったとする内容です。
 特別記事 三浦太郎氏の「ドバイ・ワールドカップの社会的意義に関する一考察」は,世界最高の賞金と馬券発売のないドバイ・ワールドカップの意義について考察を試みた内容です。三浦氏は,ドバイ首長が競馬開催を出会いの場として一般民衆や諸外国の賓客を招くことで,ドバイの国際化と自の名声獲得を意図していることを記述しています。小松まり氏の「馬の街ドーヴィル訪問」は,ランスの競馬場,馬セリ市場,ポロ試合観戦,海辺での馬の調教風景などを駐フランス日本大使夫人が詩的な文章で綴っています。三浦暁子氏の「疾走!相馬野馬追~東日本大震災を超えて~」は,2012年度JRA賞馬事文化賞作品の講評です。三浦氏には,毎回講評記載をお願いしていますが,DVD観戦の有無に関わらず,再度この講評を読むことによって理解が深まることでしょう。金田利彦氏には大学馬術部紹介「宇都宮大学」を執筆いただきました。馬術部は創設から90周年を迎え,歴史と伝統のある部でありますが,開設当初は宇都宮が軍都であったことから馬と馬場を軍の連隊から借りて行っています。現在は近隣住民向けの乗馬会,65回に亘る招待東日本学生馬術大会を開催しています。最近の課題としては部員数の確保や高齢馬が多く新馬調教を学生に教えるのに苦慮しているようです。何方か新馬を提供・紹介して頂けることを願っています。

(編集委員長 兼子樹廣)

 In a happy turn of events, Tokyo was chosen to host the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics. As we prepare for the events 7 years from now, Japan's equestrian athletes and riders would really like to get their hands on a medal, something the country has not managed to do in a long while. For that to happen, as Mr. KUSANO says in this issue, we hope that Japan's equestrian circles will take this opportunity to make efficient use of domestically produced horses with improved qualities and hone their riding and training techniques.
 Equine Comings and Goings features "Festival Derived from the Bonds between Man and Horse: Nambu-Morioka Chagu Chagu Umakko" by Makoto SASAMORI. This traditional festival is hand-crafted and passed down by farmers and ordinary citizens. As a facet of traditional horse culture in Japan, it has been selected by the Agency for Cultural Affairs as an intangible cultural asset. The author also presents the origin of the phrase "chagu chagu umakko" and introduces the horses' costumes. In "Examining Different Opinions about the Preservation of Japanese Native Horses―A Visit to Cape Toi and Southern Kyushu Island, " Kota IWATA details certain types of recommendations for preservation activities for native Japanese horses' breeds and environments as well as equine culture, after listening to the Scientific Sessions Symposium of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Equine Science. It is something you'll want to use as a reference. In "The Basics of Contagious Diseases in Horses―How to Protect Cherished Horses," Toru ANZAI summarizes in an easily understood form the basics, as well as measures and methods, for protecting one's horse from the main contagious diseases in Japan and abroad, presenting the information in chart form. In "Riding Horse Production in Japan―Production Incentives for Domestic Japanese Horses," Shinichi KUSANO analyzes horse-related material from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to make inferences about the horse riding population, the number of riding horses, domestic horse production, and the horse market, etc., and he recommends measures for increasing future domestic horse production. Yoshio TAJIMA bases his article, "Nanae Kan-en's Horse Improvement Program," on old materials at Nanae Kan-en, which is believed to be the place of origin for Japan's horse production program. He interprets records about Daikei Hakodate, stud horses, and broodmares, for example, and manages to establish a clear picture of Japan's horse improvement program.
 The special article by Taro MIURA, "A Look at the Social Significance of the Dubai WorldCup," takes a stab at discussing the significance of the Dubai World Cup, which has the world's largest prize money and doesn't sell betting slips. Mr. Miura writes that the ruler of Dubai has invited the general public and guests from overseas to the horse races, viewing it as a meeting place, with the intention of internationalizing Dubai and earning prestige for himself. In "Deauville―A City for Hippophiles" by Mari KOMATSU, the wife of Japan's ambassador to France writes a poetic essay about such topics as a French racetrack, a horse auction market, polo match watching, and a scene of horse-training on the beach. Akiko MIURA presents a review of "Giddy Up at the Soma-Nomaoi―Overcoming the Great East Japan Earthquake," the winner of the FY2012 JRA Equine Culture Award. We have Ms. Miura write a review for every issue, and regardless of whether you've seen the documentary or not, reading this review is likely to give you a deeper understanding of it. Toshihiko KANEDA wrote "Introducing a University Equestrian Club: Utsunomiya University." This equestrian club is marking the 90th anniversary of its founding, and it has a long history and tradition. Since Utsunomiya was a military city when the club was established, it has borrowed horses and tracks from the military regiment. At present, it holds a horseback riding competition for neighboring residents, and it is hosting its 65th Invitational East Japan Student Equestrian Tournament. Challenges the club faces these days include ensuring a sufficient number of members plus the fact that many of their horses are old, so they are struggling when it comes to teaching students how to break in new horses. I hope that someone will provide or introduce to them some new horses.
 In Notifications, we have listed the 26th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Equine Science and a guide to the Lifelong Training for Veterinarians hosted by the Japan Veterinarians' Association for Local Government Racing. We look forward to a large turnout.

(Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Mikihiro KANEKO)